Academic week 0 – my first week as a graphic design student at Noroff
Ever since I was a child, I have been engaged in creative activities in various forms. I’ve done drawing, ceramics, fabrics, thread work and many
learning from experience
Here, you can find all the lesson tasks from my study period as a graphic design student at Noroff School of Technology.
Ever since I was a child, I have been engaged in creative activities in various forms. I’ve done drawing, ceramics, fabrics, thread work and many
The learning management system Noroff is using is called Moodle. It is an extensive system with lots of content and it might be hard to
I believe it is quite common to make the assumption that in order to be a graphic designer, you have to be good in drawing – you have to be an artist somehow. However, this does not hold true, they say – which makes me very happy for although I find great pleasure in drawing, I’m not very good at it.
Design is all about problem solving in a visual manner, and you don’t have to be an artist to become a successful graphic designer. However, you need to be creative.
A tea spoon is a small spoon used to stir drinks or eat cake. How can SCAMPER be applied in order to make a tea spoon into something else.
This task also involves the SCAMPER method, and now applied to a rice package. The packaging has to be different from what is out there
This weeks lesson was sketching techniques and how sketching can help a designer in their workflow.
The first course assignment had due date last friday, and I’ve been working as a champ in order to finish it in time. The task
This week is about typography and how typography done well can provide clear communication.
Different types express different moods and feelings, and in this task, I’m going to translate a font and a word into a piece where the typography and the composition ephasizes the word.
The various letterforms in a typeface consists of many parts. All of them have names, which makes up the anatomy of a typeface. By knowing
Colours are light in different wavelengths, and some of these wavelengths can be perceived by the human eye.
“Animal Farm” by George Orwell: use analogous colours with a contrasting accent to express disagreement and discontent.
Brand positioning (brand strategy, positioning strategy/statement) is the process of positioning a brand in the mind of their customers. Kotler[1] defines brand positioning as “the
Apple Inc (or just Apple with ordinary people) is an American technology company that produces and sells consumer electronics, software and personal computers. Their most
In this task, I’m going to look at how an established well-known brand employs their brand identity. To do this, I’ve visited their website, nikita.no
Task instructions: Create two consumer profiles for a fictional client. You are free to choose the client and the product. List the things that you think are important to include in a consumer profile and show your research.
One of the most useful tools I have found early in the designing process is a moodboard. A mood board is a collage of images,
In the course Strategic design, the task is to develop a logo for a made-up company, Food & Malt – a restaurant/pub within the hipster
They say that it is not the gear that makes the photographer, and I guess that’s true. But it does help to have a quality camera and know how to use it.
The concept of capturing light is old and the history of photography starts with the discovery of the camera obscura, where light streaming from a
The light around us has certain qualities such as warm or cold (or somewhere in between). This is what is called colour temperature and with
Now that I have been through the basics of photography, it is time to practice.
In this lesson task, the goal was to produce an 8-page brochure for a fictitious travel agency, with images, sensible headings and dummy text.
In graphic design (or any design I suppose), the concept of negative and positive space exists. The negative space, or “white space” is empty space,
Symmetry in the design world refers to a spatial relationship between elements, and where the elements reflect eachother horizontally and/or vertically, or are centered within
In my daily work, I design and implement websites for clients. While I have been working with graphic design, I see that there is a
In this task, I’m going to analyze and trace a grid in printed piece and trace the underlying grid.
For those of you that doesn’t bother to scroll down to the bottom, here is the pdf file Brief The brief of this project is
Before sending a document to a printer, there are alot of things that needs to be checked and double checked again.
This week, we are working with print production and how different colour systems are used in different situations.
In order to master the art of photograpy, one must master the camera with settings, lenses and all equipment needed to create the photographs you
In my semester project I chose to make a visual profile and some print material for my business, Hoser og bånd, and applying this in
The second semester starts with screen based design, such as web pages and apps. As a graphic designer, you don’t need to know how to
When starting any web project, there are a lot of information that is required in order to “get things right”. Noroff presents a list of
In this task, I have compiled a list of 10 websites I concider good and 10 bad ones, with a comment on why for each.
In this course assignment, the task was to develop a menu for either a pizza restaurant or a sushi restaurant. I chose the latter. The
Wireframes can be used to visualize a concept, an idea, a design direction or information with tools from pen and paper to digital wireframes that
In this lesson task, I’m going to design a 5 page (not code. Yet) a website for a place of interest, for example my home
This week, I have explored lightning in portrait photography. There are many ways to do lightning, and there are no right or wrong way (the
In lesson task AW21 Put Thought Into Your Design,I analyzed the requirements for the website where I present Løten as a travel destination. In this
Let’s say I had 10 000 NOK in my marketing budget. Would I use it to marked a website? No. Even though the lesson task
Wordpress is the most used publishing system in the world, with more than 30% of sites on the internet is a Wordpress site.
In the WordPress repository, you can find thousands of themes. Some themes are developed for a spesific usage, and some are so-called “multi-purpose themes”. Astra,
In this CA, the goal was to design a map of cycling routes in Bergen. See ca07.sivhansen.no
The task heading is create a WordPress theme, but the task description is to add some functionality to the site. I was quite worried before
This lesson task is a part of the course assignment for Graphic design 2, also called CA08. It consists of 4 parts, where logo design
In this project part, the goal is to explore the visual language of a piece and create to coherent designs: one infographic and one brochure
Everywhere around us are items packed in something. Every item has it’s own set of requirement for the surrounding package, and a package has to
A point of sales, or a point of purchase as it is sometimes referred to, is how your product is displayed in a sales location
In my project exam, I made a website for Ballongfisk Ceramics, yet another business of mine. All my life I have dreamt about being a
This portfolio is a part of semester 2 of my graphic design course at Noroff School of Technology. It summarizes the work I have done
HTML is a markup language that defines the structure of a html document, in which you often find online. The language comprises numerous tag that
In html5, many elements have semantic meaning, which makes it easier to understand what the different sections in the html document is about. It also
In this modul assigment, I am going to code a small website for the Norwegian Seafood Council (Yes, it is a real thing, Norges Sjømatråd).
Images and links are essential in any webpage. What would the world wide web be without the ability to link content together, and how boring
Yet another coding assignment, but this time I get to play with colours and positioning! That I like. The task is to create a website
When working with websites and typography, there are three ways to use fonts: All of them have benefits and drawbacks. By using only system fonts,
This weeks task is to recreate a layout, and so I did. The result The next task was to use flex-box and grids to create
This is the course assignment for Screen Based Design 3 (SBD3 CA). I chose to make a menu for Hans & Helga.
In the early 1900, suprematism (1915-1930) and constructivism emerged in Russia. Artist in Russia found their country in turmoil with both WW1 and the Russian Revolution.