SBD 3 – MA1 Semantic html


In html5, many elements have semantic meaning, which makes it easier to understand what the different sections in the html document is about. It also makes it easier for screen readers and other assistive technologies to identify various elements of a page.

Examples of semantic html elements are: header, section, nav, article footer, main, p, headings h1 to h6, aside, ul, ol and more. The element DIV is not a semantic element, but sometimes you still have to use it.

I have created a document where I use some of these elements. This is the result. Visually it is not nice, since no stylesheet is attached (yet), but this is how a screen reader renders the page, and in the matter, the page is fine.

The code required to make this is like this. I use Visual Studio Code to do my coding.

More to explorer

Todo Share your work

Part 1 Are you currently using any third-party apps, actions, presets or plugins using Adobe Lightroom (Classic or CC) and Photoshop? If so, write a short paragraph on how it

#todo Photoshop

Part 1 Choose one of your portraits and do some skin softening or retouching on the photograph. Describe the process you followed. Include the before and after photos. Part 2

#todo Lightroom editing

For this task, you must describe and provide examples of how you edit your photographs using Adobe Lightroom (Classic preferred, CC will be OK). Follow the steps below and document