AW39 Portfolio


This portfolio is a part of semester 2 of my graphic design course at Noroff School of Technology. It summarizes the work I have done for the last year. Last year I did an online portfolio, but this year I decided to go for print design. I have grown quite fond of print design in the previous year. In the world of design, a designer should never be afraid to occupy space. I believe this is how you showcase yourself in the best way possible and make potential clients and partners aware of you. This is why I decided to do a print portfolio in A3 landscape size; 420 mm X 297 mm. Then this piece is printed and binded, it will feel big (and lovely) in the hands of the reader. The images can go big, and the pages are allowed white
space to breathe.

Before I created the portfolio in Adobe Indesign, I did sketches on paper. These sketches acted as rough layout blue prints. I have included some copy to explain what the project was about, what problems I tried to solve, and for some projects, I included inspiration, palettes, typography choices and more
to show the rationale behind the design decisions. I did not, by design, include the full report from the projects. The length of them would make this portfolio much larger, and to a potential client, the decisions and struggles I had during the project is of no interest to them.

On every project there has been feedback from a teacher at Noroff. Based on this, I have made changes to many of the projects. The end-result can be found in this portfolio (for CA06 Studio photography and CA08 Information design). For the screen based projects (CA05 Screen design and CA07 Informa tion design), the alterned website can be found online on their respective urls.

The colours of the portfolio is diverse, and reflects the project that is on display. For example, for the Screen design, Panda Sushi website, the main colour is red – hence the red colour on the portfolio pages. Since every project has its own colour palette, every page has its own look’n feel when it comes to colour
The main colour on non-project related pages are from a AW06, creating a moodboard. This is the starting point for creating a logo for the brand “Siv Lillevik”. The typography throughout the
portfolio is consistent; Azo sans – an Adobe typeface with 10 fonts in various weights and styles. This is also from the mood board of my personal brand. I believe that typography that follows the project that is described would clutter the overall feel of the portfolio. The same is not the case with the colours, I think. The concistency is made by using a 20% tint of the main colour in the background. This creates a soft pastel colour what goes very well with the other soft pastel colours in the backgrounds.

The grid in the portfolio is a 6 x 4 grid, and I have tried to adhere to the grid whenever it is possible.
The portfolio Indesign file is organized into layers: text, images, graphics, page numbers, backgrounds and grids. This is a good way to keep my file organized and it easy to hide or lock layers
when I don’t work with them. Note: this last page is NOT a part of the portfolio, but is a report
on how I made this file.

todo for later: include portfolio for 2021 into this file in order to make a complete portfolio, and then have it printed in a few copies.

More to explorer

Motion design – Module assignment 5 – animation

For the last module assignment in Motion Design, the task is to animate a school provided After Effect file that included illustrations and audio about Scoops Icecream. The task was

Motion design – kinetic typography

In this weeks task, I’m going to animate an audio clip – either music or speach. I found an audio clip on, Woman leaving voice mail message. The clip

Motion design – green screen

A green screen is commonly used in video to mask out the background and insert another background instead. For example, instead of flying Arnold Schwarzenegger to Mars in the movie