AW26 Market your website


Let’s say I had 10 000 NOK in my marketing budget. Would I use it to marked a website? No. Even though the lesson task description describes a website marketing budget of that amount, the website itself is not interesting. I would use it to market the product or service the business have to offer, and that is presented on the website. With that in mind – how would I proceed?

First of all, I believe most marketing efforts should be done online now. There are, of course, niche print pieces that may be worth advertising in, but they have limited reach (to subscribers or random buyers).

Let’s say I wanted to advertise for my business, Hoser og bånd, which sells bunad items. If I were to do print advertising, I would find a bunad magazine and advert there. The prices are high, so it would require a lot of sales to compensate for that:

  • 1. og 2. cover page: kr. 20.000,-
  • back cover :                      kr. 22.000,-
  • 2/1 page:                      kr. 32.000,-
  • 1/1 page:                      kr. 18.000,-
  • 1/2 page:                      kr. 11.000,-
  • 1/4 page:                      kr. 7.000,-

To cover the cost for 1/4 page ad, I have to sell 9 bands, which takes me 36 hours. I probably would have chosen a different marketing strategy.

Online marketing is a different story. I run Google Ads for my website. I currently only have one active ad, for Hosebånd Nordlandsbunad, in Google search. I have 5-9 clicks per month, and I pay around 50 NOK for it. For 10 000 NOK, I could advert for all of my products in Google search.

Another way to market is by Google display ads. Then your ad would appear on websites, apps and social networks (Youtube). This can be cheap and it can be very costly depending on where you place your ad. I did a display ad for a client, where 99 % of the traffic came from apps and 500 NOK was spent in 3 days. No sales. I belive most of the ads were shown to people in a free app, where they had to see ads in order to use the free version. A well placed display ad can result in clicks that leads to sales. Bad placements only cost money.

It is also possible to advert on social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube. All of these platforms require a max daily or campain wise budget, and they take it all. In return you get a lot of reach. Sometimes from relevant people, but sometimes not. You decide who to reach – to some extent.

To create something that goes viral, it has to be a good story. It can be sweet or funny, or show some conflict that is interesting to know the outcome of. I would make a video that connects with the viewers feeling – on how your grandmother made this for you. She died and every time you wear this garment, it reminds you of her – it is like she is there with you.

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